• To preach the gospel of Jesus Christ who was crucified for our sins to each and everyone in this world. 
  • To pray for the world 24 x 7 for the people to receive salvation of Jesus Christ and preparation for the second coming. 
  • To establish churches in the villages where the gospel has reached  and establish all the believers in that village in faith. 
  • To train young boys and girls theologically, philosophically,psychologically and spiritually to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and preach the word of God in this world. 
  • To establish theological institutions for the training of evangelists ,pastors and teacher’s  of the bible 
  • To establish oldage homes orphanages, semi-orphanages and counselling centres with good  infrastructure for the needy.  

  • To preach the gospel of Jesus Christ who was crucified for our sins to each and everyone in this world.